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Skipped until I LOL

I saw a post on social media about an older gentleman who was asked if he remembered how to skip. This man laughed and said "of course." He then tried skipping but couldn't seem to get it right. He gave up after several attempts but his mood was everything. He was laughing so hard because he could not believe that he did not remember how to skip.

So of course I tried it myself and failed at my first attempt. But I kept going until I got it right. I must say I can understand why this man was laughing because it was unbelievably funny.

I then remembered when I was pregnant with my second child and was about a week overdue. I was over being pregnant. Google wasn't an option at that time so I asked my Obstetrician what could I do to get this child out.

Well...she encouraged me to skip and I did. Later that night I kept having to change my clothes because I thought I couldn't control my bladder which is not uncommon during pregnancy. I decided to get checked and guess worked! I had a slow leak but eventually my water broke. Unfortunately I was in labor too long and ended up getting a cesarian.

Nothing has changed with my daughter she is still stubborn and I refer to her as the Angry Bird (LOL) but really she is sweet. There is something about skipping that always makes me happy and now I realize that it is because of my daughter.

She was in no rush to come into the world and made a fuss that was not unforgettable. So yes skipping is special because I was able to meet a fussy sweet baby.

Do me a favor......don't tell her I wrote this blog about her.

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Charlene Brisbane
Charlene Brisbane
Jul 10, 2023

Funny and sweet! Great blogging 💜

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